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Wednesday late evening – Online Yoga Classes


Gentle Yoga and Relaxation run in a 4 week block. Online for now.

Yoga and Meditation Weekend Retreat


This is a weekend for you to spend some quiet time in the nature retreat space of Purecamping.

The Irish word ‘Suaimhneas’ means peace. This retreat is designed to give you the means to find some Suimhneas in your life.

What is ‘peace’. It is closely related to the concept of Santosha in Sanskrit, meaning contentment. It also relates to many of the other Yamas and Niymas, the observances to be followed according to traditional Yoga philosophy. Ahimsa, is non-violence, Satya, is truth. Aparigraha, the letting go of things that we don’t need to hold on to.

Yoga and Meditation Weekend Retreat


This is a weekend for you to spend some quiet time in the nature retreat space of Purecamping.

The Irish word ‘Suaimhneas’ means peace. This retreat is designed to give you the means to find some Suimhneas in your life.

What is ‘peace’. It is closely related to the concept of Santosha in Sanskrit, meaning contentment. It also relates to many of the other Yamas and Niymas, the observances to be followed according to traditional Yoga philosophy. Ahimsa, is non-violence, Satya, is truth. Aparigraha, the letting go of things that we don’t need to hold on to.

Yoga and Vegan cooking Retreat


Flow, Eat and Grow @ Purecamping. Be Well, Eat Well

Plan a stay in West Clare this September with this Yoga and Vegan cooking retreat.


Yoga and Vegan cooking Retreat


Flow, Eat and Grow @ Purecamping. Be Well, Eat Well

Plan a stay in West Clare this September with this Yoga and Vegan cooking retreat.


Yoga and Vegan cooking Retreat Day


Take a day in West Clare this September with this Yoga and Vegan cooking retreat day with Trea and Siobhan.

Eat Well – Feel Well




Pure Space

Pure Space


Eco Glamping site (formally known as Purecamping) with Yoga set in the small village of Querrin on the Loop Head Peninsula. Visit to book a spot or ring 086 3819216.

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