The best way to start a Meditation practice

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1. Figure out why you want to meditate

Do the benefits of your practice have a positive effect on your life? What are the aspects of  your life that are important to you that you would like to improve?

2. Prepare a “sacred” space and make time for your practice.

If you can create a ‘ritual’, it will help you to create this new habit.

3. Get the right seated position, be warm and comfortable.

Be comfortable, but not too comfortable. An upright spine is important.

4. Be accountable and inquisitive

Keeping a journal is a great way to stay engaged with your practice. You can deepen your practice by acknowledging what happens on a daily basis.

5. Have no expectations. Every day is different.

My advice is to just sit…. hold out… wait for the stillness. Sometimes you can sit and you think from start to finish and other times you find stillness shortly after sitting.




Pure Space

Pure Space


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