A Solstice Fox

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12 Days of Christmas – 2022

Day 1: A Solstice Fox

As we enjoy our Christmas fare, spare a thought for all our wildlife.

Daytime sightings of the Fantastic Mr. Fox are rare, but Winter hardship can force daylight foraging.

Just think about their challenge of waking every day (or night) without knowing where the next meal might come from… This is true for all our wild animals, their options seem to be more constrained every day. Lots of pressure on their habitats and maybe little room in our own consumer lives to empathise.

Hopefully, recent developments with the Biodiversity Citizens’ Assembly and the Biodiversity COP 15 will bear fruit.

Enjoy this little glimpse into the life our one our top predators 💪🏼 Magnificent specimen 💪🏼 Winter Woodland Wildlife Wishes… Ho, Ho, Ho!!!!

And for those that are interested in knowing a little more, check out: https://www.vincentwildlife.ie/species/fox



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