The Irish Stoat

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12 Days of Christmas – 2022

Day 5: The Irish Stoat

We’ve only twice captured a stoat on our trail cameras.

The first time we saw one, it was in full chase of a rat. It was all over fairly quickly (Stoat 1 : Rat 0).

This time the stoat was on its own looking over a bank, over which it disappeared.

Exactly 2 minutes later we see it wrestling with a prey item. After a brief tussle it heads off with its victim in its jaws. (Stoat 2: Rat 0)

Another vignette of life in the wild, giving us an insight into the daily drama being played out in the Purecamping woods. 🙂

Some independent info:



Pure Space

Pure Space


Eco Glamping site (formally known as Purecamping) with Yoga set in the small village of Querrin on the Loop Head Peninsula. Visit to book a spot or ring 086 3819216.

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