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Keeping us all safe during COVID times

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We are following the operating guidelines from Fáilte Ireland and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) for the hospitality industry.

Trea has undertaken the COVID Compliance Officer training and is our site contact for any COVID related issues.

We have had to make quite a few changes based on these guidelines so that we can keep ourselves and you, our guests safe. Please read through each tab to see what to expect on our site this summer.

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  • We will be sending you out a COVID questionnaire before you visit and we would ask you to fill this in and bring it with you. 
  • We have a new food service supplying our guests this summer from Murphy Black’s. The menu will be sent out before you arrive and you can make things a little easier for yourself if you like and order in a Moroccan stew or a Vegetable Lasagne or if you have booked the pizza oven, a pizza pack (Dough, tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese). We have a new combi-microwave to allow you to warm up take-away food as restaurants have a reduced seating capacity this season. Download the menu here

COVID-19 Questionnaire:

In the interests of safety of the people of this site, their families and the community, Site Management ask that you complete the following questionnaire / self-declaration. Your co-operation and support are appreciated. It would be best not to travel if you answer ‘YES’ to Questions 1,2 or 3.

Question Yes No
1. Have you been in close contact with anyone who are confirmed with having COVID-19 virus?
2. Do you live in the same household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 who has been in isolation within the last 14 days?
3. Do you have any of the following typical COVID-19 symptoms; fever, high temperature, persistent coughing, or breathing difficulties / shortness of breath
4. Have you returned to the island of Ireland from another country within the last 14 days?
5. If ‘YES’, where?

[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Check-in” _builder_version=”4.4.8″]

  • To facilitate COVID-19 operational guidelines, check-in is at a later time now of 4.30pm or after.
  • One member of your group should check-in at reception with other members remaining in the car.
  • Please use provided hand sanitiser before entering building.  We will do the induction just outside reception weather permitting
  • Trolleys and wheel barrows will be available at reception and handles will be sanitised before use. There will be a disinfect spray and paper rolls to do this yourself.

[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Toilet and Shower Block” _builder_version=”4.4.8″]

  • Please use hand sanitiser before entering the space
  • Maximum four guests in the male or female block at any one time
  • Maximum, 15 minutes
  • Children under 8 need to be accompanied by an adult, to ensure guidelines are adhered to
  • 1 person at the sink space at a time
  • Queue outside adhering to current social distancing regulations (1 metre for hospitality)
  • Brush your teeth at your tent if possible (for those with their own tents and perhaps their own wash-up basin)
  • The laundry sink outside the toilet and shower block can be used for teeth brushing too
  • Remember, we have two additional showers below the camper’s kitchen. These are solar showers and the temperature is variable.

[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Camper’s Kitchen” _builder_version=”4.4.8″]

  • We have added a new marquee to extend the existing camper’s kitchen. This will allow our guests to maintain a 1 metre distance from each other.
  • Please use the hand sanitiser on entering the kitchen and assist your children with application. We would prefer if children do not use it on their own.
  • We have 2 cooking/wash-up docks in the kitchen. Maximum 1-2 members of a group/family should be preparing meals at the dock.
  • We have a new wash-up dock at the Pizza/BBQ area
  • There will be a one-way flow system in and out of the kitchen.
  • Due to COVID-19 guidelines, we can no longer supply  communal pots or pans, plates, bowls, cups, glasses or cutlery in the kitchen. Each furnished bell tent and cabin will be provided with a box of equipment on arrival (cups, glasses, plates, bowls, cutlery, pots, frying pan, utensils, 2 tea towels). Please keep that for your own household/group and return it washed and dried in the box before check-out. A €20 deposit will apply.
  • We recommend that those staying in unfurnished bell tents or those bringing their own tents, should bring their own kitchen equipment. Alternatively we can provide these items in a kitchen box for €20. Please return the boxes with all items washed and dried. The charge covers supply and management of these individual items and sterilisation in a dishwasher after check-out.
  • Staff at Purecamping will run the contents of these kitchen boxes through the dishwasher after guest check-out.
  • We have always used eco-friendly biodegradable products at Purecamping for cleaning. Although they are very effective for general cleaning, the guidelines recommend we use particular anti-viral disinfectant spray. This will be left in the camper kitchen with paper towels and we ask that all surfaces are wiped down after use, including fridge handles, cooker tops, tables and chairs.
  • Given that many restaurants may have limited seating capacity now, a number of places are doing take away. We have a new service at Purecamping where you can order in a selection of delicious family meals if you would prefer to eat in. To facilitate that, we have a new combi-microwave for re-heating food.

[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Yoga Centre” _builder_version=”4.4.8″]

  • For the comfort of all students, please do not attend a class if you have a cough or sniffles, even if you think it is non-COVID related.
  • You will need to provide your own Yoga mats, pillows, blankets, and whatever else that gives you comfort in the Yoga space. Normally we provide cosy mats, bolsters and pillows. This is not allowed this season due to COVID.
  • We have a maximum number of 8 guests in our Yoga space.
  • The space will be well ventilated and aired between classes
  • The Yoga teachers will wear face coverings to further protect you.
  • We ask that students do not congregate in the waiting area, and leave the Yoga space one at a time to avoid close contact.
  • Deep breathing practices will only be done in an outdoor setting if the weather permits it. Other than that, we will be observing our natural breath during practices rather than deep Yogic breathing.

[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Covid case response” _builder_version=”4.4.8″]

  • If any of your group or family experience COVID-19 symptoms (Fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing), please stay in your cabin or tent and ring Trea our Lead COVID-19 compliance officer (086 3819 216)
  • We will ask you to ring your GP and if you are well enough to travel home, then that will be the best course of action. If you or a group/family member are very unwell, then it is best to call an ambulance 112. Your GP or the ambulance service will take it from there, and will initiate the required contact tracing.

[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Checking out” _builder_version=”4.4.8″ hover_enabled=”0″]

  • Please vacate your tent or cabin before 10.30am and we ask you to have departed the site by 11.30 to allow us to comply with COVID-19 guidelines.
  • Please remove duvet covers, bed sheets and pillow cases and place them in the provided laundry bag. Leave the laundry bag just inside the entrance of your tent or cabin.
  • Remove any rubbish, tissues etc. Place any tissues in a plastic bag and place in the specific COVID-19 bin near the toilet and shower block.
  • Remove ALL of your items from the camper’s kitchen, fridge and freezer. Use the bins provided. Food items unpacked and placed in compost bins. Milk emptied out and cartons placed in recycling. All sauces and Mayonaisse, butter etc. need to go home with you. Please bring only what you need on site to reduce waste.
  • Maximum one person should check out at reception handing in they key (for cabins) and the kitchen box (all items washed and dried… thank you.

Wishing you a safe journey home and hoping that you get there feeling rested and refreshed.




Pure Space

Pure Space


Eco Glamping site (formally known as Purecamping) with Yoga set in the small village of Querrin on the Loop Head Peninsula. Visit www.purespace.ie to book a spot or ring 086 3819216.

Copyright © 2024 Pure Space
Website by Artvaark Design