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Purecamping Eco Tourism

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At Purecamping, we have adopted an ethos of sustainable tourism and we are using ecotourism guidelines to give ourselves a structured set of criteria to aim for so that we are involved in a continual process of finding the best ways for us to tread lightly on the earth.

Some definitions in a sea of terms:

Sustainable tourism is tourism development that avoids damage to the environment, economy and cultures of the locations where it takes place. The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development is a positive experience for local people; tourism companies; and tourists themselves.

Responsible Tourism is tourism ‘that creates better places for people to live in and better places to visit.

Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” (TIES, 1990)




Pure Space

Pure Space


Eco Glamping site (formally known as Purecamping) with Yoga set in the small village of Querrin on the Loop Head Peninsula. Visit www.purespace.ie to book a spot or ring 086 3819216.

3 weeks ago

🌿'Damson' cabin available due to a late cancellation for weekend of August 23rd for a number of days if you feel the need for a last minute break away.🧘‍♀️Yoga on the Saturday morning.🏊‍♀️Swims and sauna.You can book direct on purespace.ie.Price varies based on the number of guests and the number of days but on average ~€110 perThe Flying AlpacacCarmen's Riding Schooldingschool @loopheaGlamping in Irelandginireland @sustainabletou#loveloopheadv#kilkeea#clarek#irelande #EcoTourisme#noticenaturet#sustainabletourismbletourism ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Cannot support X and the policies behind it.Haven't found a good alternative yet and miss the#TwitteritResponsible Travelravel prompted me to post today when they shared their stance.We can't allow ourselves to be controlled by the likes of Musk.I'm not naive enough to think that IG and FB aren't influencing people too but the rhetoric of Musk about immigration shouldn't be tolera#lovey#lovethedifference#differenceishealthye#JohnHumeerenceishealthy #johnhume ... See MoreSee Less
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